Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Launching of the TOC Year of Formation and Zarephath Fund

Last March 20, the TOCs from the different communities all over Luzon congregated at the General Commissariat House at #26 Acacia St. in Quezon City to celebrate the opening of the TOC Formation Year (March 19, 2010 - March 19, 2011) and to discuss the setting up of the National Fund called the "Zarephath Fund".

The opening mass was held at the conference room and was presided by Rev. Fr. Noel Rosas, OCarm (provincial delegate). The TOC Year of Formation was placed under the patronage of Saint Joseph, Protector of the Order of Carmel.

Bro. Ruel Santos, TOCarm., of the National Council, explained the purpose of the Year of Formation. This aims to:
1. help the communities in the area of formation by strengthening the formators;
2. prepare possible formators in the different communties;
3. train formators specifically in mission (i.e. in giving formation to newly established communities and in giving retreats and recollection); and
4. familiarize communities in the new modules of formation

The core values of this Year of Formation are encapsulated in the three letters: A-D-A which means A - aral (study); D - dasal (prayer); and A - asal (attitude). It is thus hoped that through study and prayer, there will be a change in attitude or conversion or transformation.

The theme of the TOC Year of Formation is "Carmel: A Journey to Conversion". It is also planned to have the 1st National Congress of Formators this coming August.

In the afternoon, Sis. Flor A' Jose (National Treasurer) discussed the financial status of the National Office and then a financial scheme called "Zarephath Fund" was explained. This scheme aims to stabilize the financial status of both the National Office and the local communties. After the presentation, an open forum was made if this is viable and later votation was made to approve this scheme. Majority of the attendees approved the scheme.

Sis. Sally Castro, TOC (National Coordinator) explaining the fund and the mechanics on how this will be used.

Sis. Mila Exconde, TOC (National Auditor) clarifying some questions

Provincial Delegate's time

Priors, Prioresses and Formation Directors of different communities from Luzon

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