The Lay Carmelite Province of St. Therese of the Child Jesus (Bicol) held their annual retreat from August 27, 2010 (Feast of St. Monica) to August 29, 2010 (Feast of the Beheading of St. John the Baptist). The retreat theme was "Seasons of the Heart" and was facilitated by Bro. Ruel Santos, TOC. The retreat was held at St. Gregory the Great Minor Seminary, Tabaco City, Albay. On August 27, Sis. Sonia Rosario, TOC and Sis. Anida Bilono, TOC fetched Bro. Ruel Santos at the Legazpi airport. Before going to the retreat venue, they made a side trip to the Parish of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Malilipot, Albay.
The retreat started on the afternoon of August 27 and was participated in by the communities of Guinobatan and Malilipot. The retreatants joined the seminary community on the celebration of the Holy Mass and on the end of the retreat, the profession and reception rites for the Malilipot community was held at the seminary chapel. The closing Mass was celebrated by Msgr. Don Vito Pavilando, parish priest of Malilipot, together with Rev. Fr. Salvador Nicolas Bilono III, seminary rector. After the retreat and the rites, a sumptuous lunch was served.
St. Gregory the Great Minor Seminary, Panal, Tabaco City, Albay |
The Majestic Mayon Volcano as seen at the seminary |
Parish of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Malilipot, Albay |
Retreat Session |
The facilitator |
Seminary Community Mass |
Relic Veneration by the seminary students
Preparation for the Night Vigil |
Night Vigil with the Saints |
Way of the Cross |
Closing Mass |
TOCs of Guinobatan |
Profession Rites |
The members of Malilipot community together with Msgr. Don Vito Pavilando |
The TOC retreatants together with Sr. Marian from the Sisters of the Prophet Elijah and Msgr. Don Vito Pavilando |
Lunch after the end of the retreat and the profession rites |
Relics Exposed for Veneration:
1st Row: Bl. Michaela Hordashevska, St. Joseph of Cupertino, Bl. Catherine of St. Augustine, St. Dominic Savio, St. Hannibal Marie di Francia
2nd Row: Bl. Baptist of Mantua, Bl. Joan of Toulouse
3rd Row: Bl. Arcangela Girlani, Bl. Aloysius Rabata
4th Row: Bl. Mary of the Assumption, Bl. Maria Crocifissa Curcio, St. Maravillas of Jesus, Bl. Angelo Paoli, Bl. Anne Marie Javouhey
5th Row: St. Lawrence of Brindisi, St. Paul of the Cross, St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrow, Bl. Amigonian Martyrs, St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen |
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